Sony Alpha 55

I recently bought a used Sony Alpha 55 camera body on Ebay for almost $200. I think it was a good deal. The reason I bought it was so that I could use the old Minolta Maxxum lenses (Sony bought out Minolta in 2006). These lenses focus without requiring a motor, which is now incorporated inside the Minolta Maxxum (or now, Sony Alpha) body. My reason for buying the Alpha was the promise of sharp Minolta lenses at a bargain price. My Maxxum collection plus the Sony Alpha 55 I have to admit, I was not blown away by the Minolta lenses, especially the zoom lenses. But I will have to say that the Sony compared well to my Canon T2i, despite the Sony only having a 16mp sensor, whereas the Canon utilizes an 18mp one. Regardless, I enjoy having a lot of lens choices with the Sony Alpha, since there are many Minolta Maxxum lenses to be had for cheap. My 28-300 lens covers a great range, but sadly, I can see some evident purple fringing (chromatic abberation). I suppose you really do get wha...