So, as I promised, here is part II of the Zenza Bronica images. This time I shot on Ilford Delta 100, which provides better grain and sharpness. I also developed this roll in monobath, same as before. I am quite pleased with the results. You can see the images that I have scanned are looking better than before.
Our backyard. |
The image that impressed me the most is the picture of my wife in our backyard. I did not apply any sharpness or contrast adjustments, only resampled in Photshop. The only tweaks applied were from the Epson scanner interface software, I believe I had the sharpness set to medium during the scan, that is all.
The wife wearing protective clothing against the bugs. |
The remaining images came out well, but not as nice as the previous image. Still, much better than my first results. I really like this medium format camera.
Plastic statue clock in our house. |
The grandfather clock in the living room. |
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